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ほの研ブログ - 平四郎出世最中  Heishiro's successful bean-jam wafer

平四郎出世最中  Heishiro's successful bean-jam wafer

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今日の共想法 » ふるさと・旅行・近場の名所
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NagataE 2014-3-23 8:00
Heishiro Makabe warmed the sandals of the boss on a winter day. His boss got very angry because he mistook that Heishiro sat on it. Later, he became a great Buddhist priest. It is believed that people may have a good luck if they eat the wafers.

マカベ共想法参加者 Y.H.さん


コメント:市民研究員 E.N.さん
Unexpectedly, I found that my teacher when I was a junior high school student is a descendant of Heishiro. He had a good posture and taught us a good way to use bamboo brooms.


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